

Below is a list of our publications stemming from the ArcCI Project, which encompasses a comprehensive compilation of 34 papers and book chapters that contribute significantly to our field of study.

Chen, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Quintero, et al., 2022. Rapid perception of public opinion in emergency events through social media. Natural Hazards Review, 23(2), 04021066.

Dai, L., H. Xie, S. F. Ackley, A. Mestas, 2020. Ice production in Ross Ice Shelf polynyas during 2017-2018 from Sentinel-1 SAR images. Remote Sens., 12, 1484. doi:10.3390/rs12091484.

Hu, F., Yang, C., Jiang, Y., et al., 2020. A hierarchical indexing strategy for optimizing Apache Spark with HDFS to efficiently query big geospatial raster data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(3), 410-428.

Hu, F., Li, Z., Yang, C., and Jiang, Y., 2019. A graph-based approach to detecting tourist movement patterns using social media data. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 46(4), 368-382.

Koo, Y., R., Lei, Y., Cheng, B., et al., 2021. Estimation of thermodynamic and dynamic contributions to sea ice growth in the Central Arctic using ICESat-2 and MOSAiC SIMBA buoy data. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 267, 112730, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2021.112730.

Koo, Y., H. Xie, N.T. Kurtz, S.F. Ackley, A.M. Mestas, 2021. Weekly mapping of sea ice freeboard in the Ross Sea from ICESat-2. Remote Sensing, 13(16), 3277,

Koo, Y. , H. Xie, S. Ackley, et al., 2021. Semi-automated tracking of iceberg B43 using Sentinel-1 SAR images via Google Earth Engine. The Cryosphere, 15(10), doi:10.5194/tc-15-4727-2021.

Lan, H., Sha, D., Malarvizhi, A. S., et al., 2021. COVID-Scraper: An open-source toolset for automatically scraping and processing global multi-scale spatiotemporal COVID-19 records. IEEE Access, 9, 84783-84798.

Li, Y., Yang, R., Su, H., and Yang, C., 2022. Discovering Precursors to Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification in the Atlantic Basin Using Spatiotemporal Data Mining. Atmosphere, 13(6), 882.

Li, Y., Li, M., Rice, M., et al., and Yang, C., 2021. The impact of policy measures on human mobility, COVID-19 cases, and mortality in the US: a spatiotemporal perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 996.

Li, Y., Rice, M., et al., and Yang, C., 2021. New Metrics for Assessing the State Performance in Combating the COVID‐19 Pandemic. GeoHealth, 5(9), e2021GH000450.

Li, Y., Li, M., Rice, M., Su, Y., and Yang, C., 2021. Phased implementation of COVID-19 vaccination: rapid assessment of policy adoption, reach and effectiveness to protect the most vulnerable in the US. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7665.

Li, Y., Jiang, Y., et al., and Yang, C., 2019. A cloud-based framework for large-scale log mining through Apache Spark and elasticsearch. Applied Sciences, 9(6), 1114.

Liu, Q., Srirenganathanmalarvizhi, A., Howell, K., & Yang, C. (2022). Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Increases Past Pre-Pandemic Levels Due to Economic Reopening in India. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 962891.

Liu, Q., Chiu, L. S., Hao, X., and Yang, C., 2021. Spatiotemporal Trends and Variations of the Rainfall Amount, Intensity, and Frequency in TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) Data. Remote Sensing, 13(22), 4629.

Liu, Q., Sha, D., et al., and Yang, C., 2020a. Spatiotemporal patterns of COVID-19 impact on human activities and environment in mainland China using nighttime light and air quality data. Remote Sensing, 12(10), 1576.

Liu, Q., Liu, W., et al., and Yang, C., 2020b. An environmental data collection for COVID-19 pandemic research. Data, 5(3), 68.

Liu, Q., Xu, H., et al., and Yang, C., 2020c. Hyperspectral infrared sounder cloud detection using deep neural network model. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 19.

Malarvizhi, A. S., Liu, Q., Sha, D., Lan, H., & Yang, C., 2021. An Open-Source Workflow for Spatiotemporal Studies with COVID-19 as an Example. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 11(1), 13.

Sha, D., Malarvizhi, A.S., Lan, H., Miao, X., Xie, H., Khamidov, D., Wang, W., Smith, S., Howell, K., and Yang, C., 2022. ArcCI: A sea ice high-resolution aerial image management and processing platform, in Ma, X., Mookerjee, M., Hsu, L., and Hills, D., eds., Recent Advancement in Geoinformatics and Data Science: Geological Society of America Special Paper 558,

Sha, D., Malarvizhi, A. S., et al. and Yang, C., 2020. A state-level socioeconomic data collection of the United States for COVID-19 research. Data, 5(4), 118.

Sha, D., X. Miao, M. Xu, C. Yang, H. Xie, et al., 2020. An on-demand service for managing and analyzing Arctic sea ice high spatial resolution imagery. Data 5 (2), 39.

Sha, D., Miao, X., et al., and Yang, C., 2020. Spatiotemporal analysis of medical resource deficiencies in the US under COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One, 15(10), e0240348.

Sha, D., Liu, Y., et al., and Yang, C., 2021. A spatiotemporal data collection of viral cases for COVID-19 rapid response. Big Earth Data, 5(1), 90-111.

Sha, D., Koo, Y., Miao, X., et al., and Yang, C., 2021. Spatiotemporal Analysis of Sea Ice Leads in the Arctic Ocean Retrieved from IceBridge Laxon Line Data 2012–2018. Remote Sensing, 13(20), 4177.

Tian, L., Xie, H., Ackley, S.F., et al., 2020. Assessing Scale Dependence on Local Sea Level Retrievals from Laser Altimetry Data over Sea Ice. Remote Sens., 12, 3732. doi:10.3390/rs12223732.

Wang, Z., Chen, Y., Li, Y., et al., and Yang, C., 2022. Public Opinions on COVID-19 Vaccines—A Spatiotemporal Perspective on Races and Topics Using a Bayesian-Based Method. Vaccines, 10(9), 1486.

Xia, J., Yang, C., and Li, Q., 2018. Building a spatiotemporal index for earth observation big data. International journal of applied earth observation and geoinformation, 73, 245-252.

Xu, M., Liu, Q., et al., and Yang, C., 2020. PreciPatch: A dictionary-based precipitation downscaling method. Remote Sensing, 12(6), 1030.

Yang, C., Sha, D., et al., and Ding, A., 2020. Taking the pulse of COVID-19: A spatiotemporal perspective. International journal of digital earth, 13(10), 1186-1211.

Yang, C., Clarke, K., Shekhar, S., and Tao, C. V., 2020. Big Spatiotemporal Data Analytics: A research and innovation frontier. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 34(6), 1075-1088.

Yang, C., Yu, M., Li, Y., et al., 2019. Big Earth data analytics: A survey. Big Earth Data, 3(2), 83-107.

Yang, J., Yu, M., et al., and Yang, C., 2019. A twitter data credibility framework—Hurricane Harvey as a use case. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8(3), 111.

Yang, J., Yu, M., et al., and Yang, C., 2022. A high spatiotemporal resolution framework for urban temperature prediction using IoT data. Computers & Geosciences, 159, 104991.

Yu, M., Yang, C., and Li, Y., 2018. Big data in natural disaster management: a review. Geosciences, 8(5), 165.

Yu, M., Bambacus, M., Cervone, G., et al., and Yang, C., 2020. Spatiotemporal event detection: A review. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13(12), 1339-1365.

Zhang, Z., Sha, D., et al., and Yang, C., 2020. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors on crime changing during black lives matter protests. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(11), 640.