

Principal Investigator

Alberto Mestas-Nunez, Dr. Mestas is interested in understanding processes involved in air-sea-land interactions in the Earth’s climate system. He works with remotely sensed observation, in situ measurements, and output from computer model simulations. He is particularly interested in application of modern observational technologies such as autonomous ocean buoyancy-glider observations, new Earth-observing satellite missions, and applications of data science to the geosciences.
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Xin Miao, expertise is in data mining, machine learning, image interpretation and RS/GIS programming. Miao will lead the image classification algorithm developments and will work closely with other PIs to conduct cross-site software testing, documentation and software integration.
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Hongjie Xie, sea ice domain scientist as well as remote sensing and GIS specialist. Professor Xie conducted sea ice field works in both Arctic and Antarctic. He will provide the scientific contents to the CI project, oversee the entire project and closely work with other PIs for the CI development and algorithm development and testing. He will lead the development of CI data framework and structure and will lead the integrated data analysis.
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Chaowei Yang, leading scholar in geoscience CI, cloud computing, spatial web portal, and spatiotemporal research for improving CI performance. Director of I/UCRC at George Mason University.
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PhD Students

Dexuan Sha, PhD candidate focusing on cloud and big data based cyberinfrastructure design, development and operation.

Anusha Srirenganathan, PhD student focusing on web service development of sea ice image processing.

Hai Lan, Senior Research Scientist focusing on cloud infrastrcuture and parallel computing design of the system.

YoungHyun Koo, PhD student focusing on sea ice thickness retrieval from laser altimetry, especially

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Programs

Kevin Wang, REU focusing on deep learning model building on sea ice classification/segmentation on HSR imagery process.

Previous Student Workers

Mengchao Xu, PhD candidate focusing on cloud architecture, spatial database and spatiotemporal analysis.

Liuxi Tian, PhD candidate focusing on sea ice thickness retrival from laser altimetry, specifically Icesat-2.

Jullian Williams, PhD student focusing on sea ice leads retrivals fromm SAR data.

Victoria Dombrowik, REU focusing on HSR imagery preprocessing techniques and workflow software.

Timothy Wu, REU focusing on on arctic aerial imagery survey data collection, data warehouse design.